In June 2023, the Texas Senate approved and signed the Texas Senate Resolution acknowledging on February 1, 2024, the desire to recommit to National Freedom Day, reflecting on our freedoms and liberties and providing the true story of how National Freedom Day came about. The resolution was signed by Senator Drew Springer, Jr., and State Representative Matt Shaheen.
Ms. Venita Benitez prepared for a February 1, 2024 commendable 75th National Freedom Day observance holiday sharing awareness about the fight against human trafficking - today's modern-day slavery.
Fun Facts About National Freedom Day
The symbols of National Freedom Day include the wreath and the Liberty Bell.
In 1863, before the 13th Amendment, Abraham Lincoln gave an executive order called the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing many of the slaves.
To participate, support, or get more info on National Freedom Day, reach out and connect.